Undifferentiated a and osteocyte differentiated b human mesenchymal stem cells were stained with the indicated antibodies filled histograms or the corresponding isotype control open histograms using the human mesenchymal stromal cell multi color flow cytometry kit catalog fmc002.
Flow cytometry stem cells.
Hematopoietic stem cells hscs remain the most well characterized adult stem cell population both in terms of markers for purification and assays to assess functional potential.
Flow cytometry facility eli and edythe broad cirm center for regenerative medicine and stem cell research at usc 1425 san pablo street bcc 205b los angeles ca 90033 rong lu faculty director.
Various studies have been conducted to identify hematopoietic stem cells hscs using flow cytometry.
Flow cytometry for msc characterization and purification for clinical applications.
However despite over 40 years of research working with hscs in the mouse remains challenging because of the relative ab.
As instrumentation reagents and analytical tools have improved flow cytometry has been applied brilliantly to the study of heterogeneous liquid tissues such as blood and bone marrow as well as other easily dissociated solid tissues such as lymph node and spleen.
Functional stem cell characteristics like atp binding cassette abc transporter activity for side population sp analysis 35 36 and aldehyde dehydrogenase isoform 1 aldh1 activity are common metabolic features to identify and analyze cscs 36 37.
323 442 0169 ronglu usc edu jeffrey boyd director.
Multiparametric flow cytometry is the method of choice for the analysis of cscs.
The technique is primarily based on fluorochrome conjugated antibodies against cell surface markers of hscs and the physiological properties of hscs such as high efflux activity of certain fluorescent dyes.
Tissue specific multipotent stem cells including mscs originated from pluripotent embryonic stem cells remain in the adult body throughout the individual s lifetime and are recruited for endogenous tissue repair.
The instruments use fluoresence activated cell sorting facs technology to count and examine cells and dna and provide simultaneous analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of.
Flow cytometry is an analytical technique designed to make measurements on single cells in suspension.
323 442 7942 boydjeff usc edu bernadette masinsin technical specialist.
A long history of attempts to enrich for stem cells through various strategies ultimately led to the application of flow cytometry by several groups including weissman and colleagues who enriched hscs based on the lack of expression of a group of lineage differentiation markers the so called lineage negative cocktail and positive expression.