Framing a gable roof building a gable with barge end purlin struts and collar ties.
Gable roof framing terms.
When repairing or replacing a roof it pays to be familiar with these terms.
Here is a closer look at common roofing terms.
Common types of roofs and basic framing terms.
In conventional gable roof framing the slope of the roof is formed by rafters that run diagonally downward from the peak of the roof to the tops of the exterior walls of the building.
Types of roofs the most commonly used types of pitched roof construction are the gable the hip the intersecting and the shed or lean to.
Includes illustrations that show roofs have hip rafters ridge boards jack rafters and more.
Roof framing involves a lexicon all its own.
1 part of a pitched roof construction that receives the feet of the spars sp ars and ceiling joist ends.
3 part of a suspended timber floor construction that provides a level bearing and.
The edge of a roof which runs from eaves to ridge at a gable.
2 part of a flat roof structure that receives the ends of the flat roof joists.
The picture above shows the plan view of a gable roof ladder trusses are made up using four noggins bridging at each corner to support a rafter outside the building.
Gable a gable roof has a ridge at the center and slopes in two directions.
An example of each is shown in figure 2 1.
After they re up you can snap a line to mark and trim the tails in a nice straight line to make up for any ridge warp or marking cutting and fixing errors.
Gable roof framing calculator plan diagram with full dimensions for a good straight fascia add an extra inch or 2 to the tails of all your rafters total length.