In the united states various shapes of gambrel roofs are sometimes called dutch gambrel or dutch colonial gambrel with bell cast eaves swedish german english french or new england gambrel.
Gambrel roof types.
The gambrel style can be implemented in many ways into a roof design such as.
The aforementioned styles gable roofs hip roofs jerkinhead roofs mansard roofs gambrel roofs and saltbox roofs are all pitched roofs.
The common types of gambrel roofing designs commonly employed include gable gambrel dormer gambrel and valley gambrel design.
Valley gambrel juts out check out our pictures of homes with gambrel roofs below to get a sense of the many gambrel roof designs you can implement.
Also known as pitched or peaked.
Top 15 roof types plus their pros cons read before you build.
Classic gambrel roof design.
In some ways it is similar in style to the mansard roof discussed above because it has two varying slopes.
Europeans historically did not distinguish between a gambrel roof and a mansard roof but called both types a mansard.
Types of gambrel roof designs.
For example you can have a gambrel roof on a cape cod or shingle style home plus other architectural styles.
Besides its unique appearance a gambrel roof also serves to maximize the usable floor space in the attic area.
That said in many cases a home will incorporate one roof style throughout.
Types of roofing materials in addition to the type or style of roof that you choose and your region s climate you ll want to consider what type of roofing material works best for your area the.
The barn roof now you get the idea of what a gambrel roof looks like right.
Below is our poll where you can vote for your favorite style of roof.
Gambrel roofs are often seen on dutch colonial houses as well as farm houses and log cabins and it is believed that early dutch traders were the first to introduce this style to the united states.
Implementing a gambrel roof.
Things you ll need ruler tape measure speed square chalk line saw 24 2 by 4 inches 5 1 cm 10 2 cm boards 6d nails 3 16d nails 8d common nails 5 inches 1 3 cm thick osb or plywood.
A gambrel or barn style roof is simply a gable roof with a change in slope partway up the roof.
The design of the gambrel roof can be varied according to the choice and requirement of the user.
The gambrel roof style might sound like a fancy type of roof but it is better known by another name.