I was called a few months later and asked to do a phone interview.
Glass door interview questions axiall.
I applied online through a recruiter.
It was a one on one and the interview lasted about 30 minutes.
The process took 4 days.
The process took 5 months.
I gave my resume to someone at my school s career fair and didn t think too much of it.
I interviewed at axiall anaheim ca in march 2015.
There was an intro phone call with the recruiter followed by an online code screen with a developer that consisted of an oop exercise that i ve forgotten the details of.
The lady was very nice.
I interviewed at axiall vancouver wa us in july 2014.
The process took 2 months.
10 interview questions and 9 interview reviews posted anonymously by axiall interview candidates.
I applied through a recruiter.
I applied through a recruiter.
Once that was completed there was supposed to be a phone interview with the hiring manager which in my case turned to an in face interview with the hiring manager and the cio.
I got the interview at a career fair and it was basic behavioral questions and some normal interview questions.
Initial interview was a phone screen with the job poster.
It was a one on one and the interview lasted about 30 minutes.
The process took 4 days.
I interviewed at axial new york ny in december 2016.
I applied through a recruiter.
The process took 1 day.
I interviewed at axiall lake charles la in october 2012.
I got the interview at a career fair and it was basic behavioral questions and some normal interview questions.
Last interview was a panel interview with members of the hr staff and members of the team i would be on.
The interviewer asked mostly generic behaviorally based questions.