One or more of these reasons is likely responsible for your garage door closing partially but not all the way.
Garage door does not go down all the way.
Adjust in small increments a half turn or less.
Also check the cables.
Garage doors are heavy and to prevent injuries manufacturers of automatic openers include safety sensors to stop the door when someone is in the way.
When the door won t go down automatically.
The limit adjusters control how far the garage door goes up and how far it goes down.
On the main console the box that hangs from the ceiling you ll see a few different nobs and or buttons.
Locate the limit adjusters.
A twisted or slightly bent track may be the culprit.
Carefully inspect the track and the rollers to see if something is stuck.
You should also find buttons or nobs that will adjust the force too.
Though this problem should be obvious it shouldn t be overlooked.
Something mechanical has most likely bound up.
First check the sensor lights.
If you operate your door manually and the door will not go all the way down don t force it.
If there s something blocking the door from closing all the way a full close will be impossible.
Clutter or obstructions that block the sensor are the first problems to look for if your door won t close or in extreme cases open at all.
Start by making sure your garage door is open all the way.